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Shen Dingli, Cooperative Denuclearization toward North Korea, The Washington Quarterly, Vol.32, No.4, October 2009, pp.175-188.
Zhang Jiadong, Take a Perspective of Coin Strategy from the End of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Contemporary International Relations, Vol.9, 2009
Shen Dingli, Global and Regional Hierarchies in Power Transition:China s Peaceful Rise, Fudan Journal (Social Sciences Edition), No.5, 2009
Pan Yaling, Ethnic Lobbying in America and Patriotism of the Immigrants: A Case Study of Arab-Americans, American Studies Quarterly, Vol.2, 2009.
Xin Qiang, Peaceful Development for Unification, in Road of Test, Fudan University Press, 2009
Xin Qiang, East Asian Integration in the Hegemonic Shadows, in Cai Dongjie ed. Strategic Structure Development in the Global And Asian-Pacific Region, (Taiwan)Tingmao Publish Company, 2009.
Wu Xinbo, Reinternationalization of the China-U.S. Relations, World Economics And Politics, Vol.8, 2009
Song Guoyou, The U.S. and East Asia Financial Integration, Fudan American Review, Vol.2, 2009
Xin Qiang, Moving toward a"Quasi Military Alliance": The Deepening, Fudan American Review, Vol.4, 2009
Ni Shixiong, The New Central Leadership Group and the China-U.S. Relation, Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, Vol.7, 2009
Liu Yongtao, Constructing an Open and Inclusive Regional Order in Northeast Asia, Japan Studies Association Journal, Vol.7,2009
Xin Qiang, Analysis of the Pro-Taiwan US Congressmen's Influence on the Peaceful Development of the Cross-Strait Relations, International Strategic Studies, No.3, July 2009
Ni Shixiong, Jiang Zemin and China-U.S. Relations, Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, Vol.6,2009
Xin Qiang, East Asian Integration and the Strategic Countermeasure of the U.S., World Economics and Politics, Vol.6,2009
Wu Xinbo, Facilitating China's Rise as a Responsible Stakeholder through Constructive Interactions, in Michael Schiffer and David Shorr,eds., Powers and Principle: International Leadership in a Shrinking World, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,May, 2009
Ni Shixiong, A Harmonious World and the China-American Relations, A Record of Thinking——Famous Forum, Intellectual Property Press, 1st Eition, March 2009

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