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Zhu Mingquan,International Security and Arms Control, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Apr. 2011
Wu Xinbo,New Landscape in Sino-U.S. Relations in the Early 21st Century, Fudan University Press, Feb. 2011
Xu Yihua,Essays on History of Protestant Education in China, Nanning: Guang Xi Normal University Press, Oct. 2010
Liu Yongtao,U.S. Congress-Presidential Relationship, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Jun. 2010
Shen Dingli, Zhang Guihong eds.,Financial Crisis and Asia's International Relations, Shanghai People's Publishing House, May. 2010
Tu Yichao,American Evangelicals and International Relations, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Mar. 2010
Xin Qiang,Interpreting U.S. Taiwan Policymaking: Perspective of Congress, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Jan. 2010
Yang jiesheng, Tu Yichao eds.,Humanism & Industrial and Commercial Civilization, Shanghai: Shanghai Social Science Academy Press, Dec. 2009
Ni Shixiong,In the Eyes of a Chinese Scholar, the China-U.S. Relations is Totally a Precious Friendship During the 30 Years After the Establishment of Diplomacy Relations, Fudan University Press, Sep. 2009
Shen Dingli, Ren Xiao eds.,Economic Transformation and International Order in Asia, Shanghai Renmin Press, May. 2009
Zhu Mingquan, Pan Yaling eds.,US Policy Toward China During the Johnson Presidency: 1964-1968, Shanghai People's Publishing House, May. 2009
Xu Yihua,St. John's University, Shanghai, 1879-1952, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, May. 2009
Cai Cuihong,U.S. National Information Security Strategy, Shanghai: Academia Press, 2008, Jan. 2009
Zhao Kejin,Political Marketing: An Introduction, Fudan University Press, 2008, Oct. 2008
Pan Yaling,American Patriotism and Its Influence on American Foreign Policy, Shanghai People's Publishing House,2008, Aug. 2008
Shen Dingli, Ren Xiao, eds.,Geoecnomics and politics in Asia, Shanghai People's Publishing House, May. 2008

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.