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  Notice and Bulletin
Notice and Bulletin

The 12th High-end Lecture Series Hosted by Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship: Changes in U.S. Domestic Politics under the Trump Administration 2018-05-16
Academic Seminar Series Organized by the Center for American Studies Heralding the 113th Anniversary of Fudan University in 2018 (14:00-16:30, Tuesday May 22, 2018 ) 2018-05-15
Academic Lecture: The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy and U.S. Security Policy in East Asia 2017-12-20
Speech: How to Improve China's Soft Power in the U.S.A? 2017-05-02
Academic Speech “Can Sino-U.S. Conflict Be Avoided?” 2016-05-23
Academic Speech“U.S. Presidential Campaign 2016” 2016-05-23
An Anniversary Report For Fu Dan University 111 Years 2016-05-09
Speech: The Current U.S. Debate on China and China Policy of the Next U.S. Administration 2016-02-26
An Academic Report for the 110th Anniversary of Fudan University 2015-05-25
Pro.Xu Yihua is Hired by the Central United Front Work Department as an Expert Advisory Group Member 2014-11-21
Lecture "History and Popular Memory: The Power of Story in Moments of Crisis" 2014-10-30
Speech: Alternative Futures of US-China Relations 2014-09-28
Two Papers Won the 12th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards 2014-09-25
An Anniversary Report in May 14 2014-05-06
Book Release: Strategic Reassurance and Resolve: U.S.-China Relations in the Twenty-First Century 2014-05-05
Recruitment Notice of Institute of International Studies, Fudan University 2014-04-22

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