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韦宗友:“见智 | 白宫高官密集访华,拜登主动缓和中美关系为其外交政绩加分”,中国网 2023-07-20
信强:“US Congress' passage of bill under 'trade initiative' with Taiwan island may damage 'fragile thawing' of ties with China”,《环球时报》 2023-07-19
吴心伯:“Wang meets Kissinger as Kerry wraps up China visit; Beijing delivers clear message to Washington”,《环球时报》 2023-07-19
吴心伯:“CHINA / DIPLOMACY Senior Chinese officials talk to Kerry, ‘show sincerity’ on climate”,《环球时报》 2023-07-18
宋国友:“耶伦访华,五个细节读懂中方立场”,玉渊潭天 2023-07-11
吴心伯:“世界和平论坛·对谈|美国学者包道格:让中美相互尊重才更实际”,澎湃新闻 2023-07-06
吴心伯:“耶伦访华,中美最可能聊哪些议题?”,观察者网 2023-07-05
吴心伯:“耶伦访华将与中方谈些什么?“独家”议程备受关注”,《解放日报》 2023-07-05
吴心伯:“包道格:接下来这两场会议,对中美关系来说是机会”,观察者网 2023-07-04
吴心伯:“深度|美国财长即将访华,与中国新一届政府的首次高层经济会谈将谈些什么?”,《解放日报》 2023-07-04
吴心伯:“World Insights: U.S., Chinese experts urge more cooperation, exchanges for stable bilateral ties”,新华网 2023-07-04
吴心伯:“美支持民进党?应表明反台独”,中评社 2023-07-04
吴心伯:“U.S., Chinese experts urge more cooperation, exchanges for stable bilateral ties”,人民网 2023-07-04
吴心伯:“世界和平论坛·圆桌|中美专家谈耶伦访华:重建沟通的一步,仍需克服政治挑战”,澎湃新闻 2023-07-03
韦宗友:“US will only turn itself into a global ‘drug den’ by scapegoating China”,《环球时报》 2023-07-03
吴心伯:“Yellen’s China visit ‘a positive sign’ to address practical issues despite still low expectations”,《环球时报》 2023-07-03

