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吴心伯:“US military presence in Asia Pacific draws backlash”,《中国日报》 2023-01-14
赵明昊:“美国会成立针对中国委员会有何目的?美国众议院终于露出獠牙”,中华网 2023-01-13
吴心伯:“中国为世界带来何种新机遇?”,CCTV·经济半小时 2023-01-13
韦宗友:“深度 | 北美领导人会晤:一场峰会激发的热情能否化为持久的合作?”,《解放日报·上观新闻》 2023-01-11
信强:“European politicians should be wary of Rasmussen’s visit to Taiwan island and avoid becoming strategic pawns”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-01-03
信强:“Collusion with US places Taiwan secessionists in a more dangerous position”,《环球时报》 2023-01-03
吴心伯:“Opportunity seen for repairing ties, trust”,《中国日报》 2023-01-03
吴心伯:“预见2023② | 大国博弈“风暴眼”会扩大吗?”,《解放日报·上观新闻》 2023-01-02
吴心伯:“Country keeps busy with full diplomatic agenda”,《中国日报》 2022-12-29
信强:“GT survey: More than 60% of Chinese optimistic of future international environment despite US containment strategy”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-25
信强:“PLA holds fire strike drills around Taiwan island after US defense bill provokes China”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-25
信强:“外交部公布对美政客反制裁措施,专家:中方此次做法相当罕见”,《环球时报》 2022-12-24
信强:“China sanctions two US individuals over illegal US sanctions on Xizang region”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-23
信强:“Wang Yi urges US to stop ‘containing China while calling for dialogue’ in phone call with Blinken”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-23
吴心伯:“Key to solving Russia-Ukraine conflict lies in hands of US and EU”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-22
信强:“‘China House’ signals US tougher gears for competition”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-19

