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吴心伯:“Country keeps busy with full diplomatic agenda”,《中国日报》 2022-12-29
信强:“GT survey: More than 60% of Chinese optimistic of future international environment despite US containment strategy”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-25
信强:“PLA holds fire strike drills around Taiwan island after US defense bill provokes China”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-25
信强:“外交部公布对美政客反制裁措施,专家:中方此次做法相当罕见”,《环球时报》 2022-12-24
王浩:“布林肯的自我表彰,与世人感受错位”,《环球时报》 2022-12-24
信强:“China sanctions two US individuals over illegal US sanctions on Xizang region”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-23
信强:“Wang Yi urges US to stop ‘containing China while calling for dialogue’ in phone call with Blinken”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-23
吴心伯:“Key to solving Russia-Ukraine conflict lies in hands of US and EU”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-22
信强:“‘China House’ signals US tougher gears for competition”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-19
宋国友:“干扰中美正常经贸往来,美无理打压36家中国芯片实体”,《环球时报》 2022-12-18
吴心伯:“这场全球关注的冲突,会怎样结束?”,《环球时报》 2022-12-17
韦宗友:“欧盟要反制美《通胀削减法案》(环球热点)”,《人民日报海外版》 2022-12-17
吴心伯:“US prolongs Russia-Ukraine conflict for three aims, aggravates nuclear war risk: experts at GT annual forum”,《环球时报·英文版》 2022-12-17
赵明昊:“拜登政府对外战略:在应对地缘冲突和推进战略竞争之间权衡”,《世界知识》 2022-12-16
宋国友:“拒绝美国科技霸凌!中国在WTO起诉美“芯片围堵””,《环球时报》 2022-12-14
张家栋:“美澳强调对华“共进退”,如何应对”,《环球时报》 2022-12-09

