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信强:“Shoddy opinion poll cannot conceal US' evil will to use Taiwan as a pawn”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-03-01
韦宗友:“持续一年的俄乌冲突仍在拉锯,中美将对局势各自发挥何种作用”,澎湃新闻 2023-03-01
赵明昊:“勿夸大中国对乌克兰危机影响力”,中美聚焦 2023-02-27
吴心伯:“China sets out its stance on Ukraine crisis”,《中国日报》(英文版) 2023-02-25
吴心伯:“解读|中方解决乌克兰危机立场文件传递了什么?专家:外交上或有更积极动作”,澎湃新闻 2023-02-24
吴心伯:“深度 | 乌克兰危机一周年,和平还有多远?”,深度 | 乌克兰危机一周年,和平还有多远? 2023-02-23
信强:“Any separatist act of soliciting foreign support will only backfire, FM warns as Tsai vows to enhance military ties with US”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-02-21
吴心伯:“大外交|中美慕尼黑非正式接触后,“飞艇事件”能否告一段落”,澎湃新闻 2023-02-20
吴心伯:“US urged to repair ties with China”,《中国日报》 2023-02-19
宋国友:“US risks debt default as Congress still gridlocked”,《中国日报》 2023-02-17
张家栋:“Biden’s low-key speech on balloon ‘not enough to fix ties with China’”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-02-17
宋国友:“CBO: US debt default looms in summertime”,《中国日报》 2023-02-16
信强:“China slaps sanctions on Lockheed Martin, Raytheon over arms sales to Taiwan region”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-02-16
韦宗友:“美英澳核潜艇合作威胁亚太安全(环球热点)”,人民日报海外版 2023-02-16
张家栋:“中方对等反制,美方更应反思其无上限炒作”,《环球时报》 2023-02-16
宋国友:“China welcomes Yellen's visit, helpful for thawing fraught relations”,《环球时报·英文版》 2023-02-09

