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媒体评论 2005-11-27



“中日不是鹬蚌 美国难当鱼翁”,《世界新闻报》,2005年10月18日,第11版。

“人为刀俎 我为鱼肉”,《新闻晚报》,2005年10月23日,第A23版。






“抓住良机 打击对手——美民主党议员强迫参院‘停工’析”,《新民晚报》,2005年11月3日,第A29版。








“The Sino-US relationship is becoming more cosy”, Shanghai Daily, December 1, 2005, p.A7.






• 参加的主要国际会议和学术交流活动有:

“Wilton Park Conference on CBW Proliferation: Developing New Responses”, Wiston House, UK, September 30-October 2, 2005. 发言:“Countering CBW Proliferation: An Asian Perspective”.

“Northeast Asia-North America Dialogue: The Rise of China and Its Implications”, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, and Center for American Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, October 5-7, 2005. Roundtable speech: “How difficult are the difficulties of the Six-Party Talk?”

“The 5th China-Russia Scientific-Technical Seminar on Global Strategic Stability and Arms Control”, Center for Strategic Studies of the China Academy of Engineering Physics, and the Institute of Strategic Stability of the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy of Russia, Xiamen, October 16-21, 2005. 论文:“美印核合作冲击防扩散体制”(中英俄三语版)。

“Overseas Studies of Contemporary China”, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Foreign Affairs Office, Fudan University, November 7-8, 2005.

The 6th International Symposium of Asian-Pacific Security, Defense College, National Defense University, Beijing, October 16-November 30, 2005. 讲座:“International Arms Control and Nonproliferation”.

“Beijing Forum 2005: The Harmony of Civilization and Prosperity for All”, Beijing University, Beijing, November 15-17, 2005.

“International Conference on Perceptions and Strategies: China-U.S.-India Relations & Interactions”, Shanghai Institute for International Studies, Shanghai, November 16-17, 2005. 论文:“美印核合作冲击防扩散体制”。

“International Conference on International System and China’s Peaceful Development, in memory of the 20th anniversary of Shanghai Center of International Studies”, Shanghai Center of International Studies, Shanghai, December 10-11, 2005. 发言:“中美关系与国际秩序”。


